Tuesday, September 21, 2010

How To Upload A Video Using Blogger

There are times when a text, photo or audio blogger might want to upload video. You don't necessarily have to have an account with a video web host. If you use Blogger as your blog hosting service you can upload video.

You do need to have a Blogger account, a blog and video to upload. This is a video from Google explaining how you do it.

It is a simple process. Just as few clarifications:

The video can be in the following formats:
  • .avi
  • .wmv aka Windows Media Video
  • .mov aka Apple QuickTime (traditional standard version)
  • .rm aka Real Player video format
  • .mpeg
I don't believe that at this time you can upload .mp4 or other formats using the Blogger upload function. The video must be under 100MB and you agree to the terms of service by Blogger/Google.

There have been a few changes since the video was created. If you decide that you want to use a YouTube video for your blog then all you have to do is use the Embed code button.

It is no longer in the upper right hand corner. The Embed button is now under the video.

Example of YouTube Embed button
This can give you a choices about the size, border color or if you want to display related videos or not on your blog post. So if you ocassionally or one in a blue moon want to post a video and you have a Blogger blog account you are good to go.

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