Thursday, August 11, 2011

BlogHer11 Video and Videoblogging Tips

There were panel sessions that I just couldn't get to but there was a log of information being exchanged on the topic. So this is a list of some of the sessions and transcripts to find out what folks were talking about concerning web video, videoblogging, vlogging and aiming a camcorder at something.

BlogHer11 Sessions Liveblog Transcripts

Closing Keynote Women In the Media
Social Media Geek - Mobile Multimedia Making on the Go
Social Media Geek - Videoblogging U
The Write Brain Uncharted Territory: Video Storyboarding and Scripting for the Writer

Other Attendees Tips and Information:

Jenny on the Spot has more tips on More Vlogging Tips

Karen at Makeup and Beauty Blog attended part of the video storyboarding session but there is also solid information about interviewing, lighting and software choices.

There is no one single way of creating web video/videoblogging. We get a chance to re-invent the format and create our own stories, histories and fiction.

That is the great thing about this time.

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