Tuesday, October 18, 2011

BlogWorld Expo L.A. Coming Up November 3 - 5

It is the gathering of podcasters, bloggers and all manner of social media poobahs. BlogWorld Expo and the New Media Expo are coming up in a few weeks. It is going to be at the Los Angeles Convention Center in downtown Los Angeles on November 3 - 5, 2011.

There will be exhibitors, swag, workshops, promises of great wealth generation, swag and people who actually know what they are talking about.

The people who actually know what they are talking about are worth meeting. I think I'm gonna go but trying to crowbar the wallet to decide which level.

The full two day blogger and pocaster access pass is steep at $447 but you can get in the door with an Expo floor/PodCamp Los Angeles pass for $47.

I saw a tweet from Steve Garfield about 20% off using promo code BWEVIP20.

Crunching the calculator that comes out to be $357.60 for a two day blogger pass. If you are fiscally challenged or just want to hang out at PodCamp $47 - 20% is $36.60.

The Twitter hastag for information updates is #BWELA. If you have some issues using the above promo code apparently there are others you can make use of to get in the door. This is also a good way to find out who is going and why.

So yeah, once I count the pennies I make a decision and go for it. I haven't been to one before so it could be kinda trippy.

(Psst. I'm not really fond of sales events, bad marketers and people with an inflated sense of importance telling me how holy they are. Doesn't matter the event. This has nothing to do with BlogWorld. It is more about traditional conventions. 

I think that is why I am not so gung-ho about this. I need to spend time going over the schedule and finding the sessions that really interest me and then check out the presenters.)

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