Friday, October 28, 2011

It Happens Every Time I Want to Pick A Session

I'm scanning the speakers and sessions I might want to attended at  BlogWorld Los Angeles 2011. It is a pickle. I'm grumbling a bit because the sessions that I want to attend are happening at the same frigging time.

No joke.

Possible Sessions To Attend at 3:00pm
  • Speak Up - Empowering Women to Use Their Voices
  • Breaking Into Parent Vlogging - I'm not a parent but I'd like to know what is different about it.
  • The Rise of Social Media and the Opportunity Blogger (Huh?)
  • Exposed, When Blogging Gets Too Personal
  • The Tools Tricks and Art of Video Storytelling
  • How to Shoot Video That Doesn't Suck - I could just re-read the book but yeah I'd like to go.
It frigging goes on like this and I'm still in the 3:00pm time range. Can't believe it. And the 4pm sessions is more of the same. The sessions don't repeat. What is a woman to do?

Well, one of the things I am doing is I'm checking out the speakers blogs. For real, I'm clicking through to their blog or web site. If I'm not liking the blog I might not appreciate the session as much as another person.

The L.A. Convention Center is a big honking place. If the session I want is way over yonder then I'm going to have to go to the one I'm near.

This is known as foot mantenance. After trolling the Expo floor the toe bones will speak up about me tramping from one end of the joint to the other.

I sure do hope folks will be live blogging. (Yo. This is blogging conference. That is a given.)

Okay, I truly hope that there are enough electrical sockets for everybody and the Wi-Fi doesn't crash but once an hour.

Cuz the Anime Podcasting session looks like a keeper.


  1. That's a tough choice... I am a parent and I'd skip the parenting one. It's probably going to be a lot about whether or not to video your kids because of privacy and stuff. Common sense issues and you have common sense. ;-)

    Opportunity blogger... fascinating title, is there more of a description?? Odd.

    You know I'd lean toward Empowering Women, heh.

    I can't wait to hear which you choose and what you learned.

  2. Oh, my it is a rough choice. I'm learning about radio podcasting, e-books creation and this guy that does interviews and edits via his iPhone.

    I feel most inferior. I need a tech fix.

    I can't go near an electronics store. I'm craving a tablet. I don't need a tablet. It would take two years to get a return on the investment.

    Going to a blogging convention might be cheaper therapy. That an a tablet. Or iTouch



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