Sunday, May 2, 2021 Royalty Free Music Composition Service is an artificial intelligence music composer. But it needs you to give it directions.

Here is the deal, you select the genre of music, what you want and don't want and will compose a unique tune for you.

Below is a tutorial video from the company:

You don't have to be a musician to use this service.

Now if you are a primordial funkateer or need some banjo in your video you are out of luck. But for many creators this will be sufficient. 

So, What is the Catch?

There is no real gotcha here. But it is important to understand the licensing and terms of service.

There is a free plan. You can use it for non-commercial purposes only and with attribution. There can be no ad generation or activities concerning the use of music on the free plan. You don't own the music, you purchase a license to use the music.

The Standard Plan states:

You can use the tracks for monetized content only on YouTube, Twitch, Tik Tok and Instagram.

You still don't own the music created by the service but you don't have to give attribution.

If you have your creation only on these social media platforms you are ok. Place the music in an audio podcast or directly post on Facebook, Twitter or another service, there might be a problem. 

The Pro Plan states:

You own the track if you are an individual, a small business with under three employees AND under $300,000 in annual income. You can do what you want with it.

I haven't mentioned pricing because that can change and you may or may not fit the profile they require.


This is one royalty-free music service that each person has to evaluate if it can work with their needs.

For YouTubers, Tick-Toks and Gramers this might be an affordable solution.

For audio podcasters, you'd have to select the Pro Plan.  If you host on Vimeo or were giving a presentation on Zoom, you'd have to think about it. It would depend on the plan you purchased.

Cuz them dang bots are everywhere.

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