Saturday, August 29, 2009

Center for Digital Storytelling - Telling Our Stories

The Center for Digital Storytelling (CDS) helps people move the story from the inside out. Which is why we tell stories in the first place.

We can't contain our knowledge of the world. It is true that some of us have the capacity to keep our mouths shut. For the rest of us, the story must be transferred to the next keeper of the memory.

Center for Digital Storytelling

This section of the website contains examples of stories and memories released to benefit the recipient. These are people like you and I. There is a power in well done narratives. Stories don't have to be perfect, slick or technologically stupendous.

They just have to be told.

CDS gives workshops and presentations on helping teachers, non-profit and non-governmental organizations and other groups on how to tell stories.

You might want to take a look at a chapter of the Digital Storytelling Cookbook which contains a lot of good advice and tips. You also have the option to purchase the full book to help support the center.

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