Sunday, August 30, 2009

The EOScars and Examples of DSLR Videos

I had a good time at the virtual Videoblogger Meet-up. It is a chance to connect with people all over the world talking about technology, storytelling, who is doing what and what are we drooling about on the equipment frontier.

No surprise everybody is keeping eyes on the hybrid upper level DSLR (digital single lens reflex still cameras) Video convergence.

This is where serendipity kicks in; I was looking for something else and I discovered this site specifically for video shot by the Canon 5D MkII and all of it's future progeny.

I am in love. I have deep envy. No, this is straight up camera lust. The video is beautiful. Really tried to concentrate on the quality of the video and not the action in it. I weaved back and forth.

Yes. If I had a serious justification for spending that kind of money I'd do it in a heartbeat. As it is I don't have time to record and edit on the plain vanilla stuff so this would be a lovely, beautiful waste of money. This is the General by David Stephenson and writer Amy Wilson for

The good news is that I can watch others experiment with recording with a DSLR camera and where that leads in the future of video recording. On the site are examples of videos shot in 1080p by professional photographers and videographers.

There is stunning work at the site and it will you do you good to peep in and be inspired.

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