Thursday, August 19, 2010

VeriCorder and 1st Video Application for iPhones

I'm feeling woozy. I feel like it is buying time again. I do need a Smartphone with video capabilities but I just can't justify buying an iPhone/iTouch.

The apps however are making me wavier. VeriCorder is a company from Canada that makes journalist friendly application for the iPhone and iPod Touch.

At this point I'm just window shopping. I haven't touched any of their products and since I'm on equipment buying lock down for a few more months I can't even think about it.

Still, there are audio tools, podcasting software, video editing software. Yet I am being called over to check out 1st Video Net. This is a mobile video editing software for your iThingy.

This is a demo video from the company:

Fanning myself. It must be from the heat. Can I just say that once upon a time I had to cut Super 8 film with razor blades and rubber cement. This is much, much better.

Before you Mac folks jump all over me, I know that there are many apps that edit video on iPhone/iTouch devices. This app is targeted to working journalists but there are folks in education and other fields that would be equally as interested.

There is a version of 1stVideo for journalists that connects with the newsroom. That application version is $300 per year per unit. Not sure about the HD situation. In one part of the brochure it said yes and in the pricing sheet it mentions standard definition.

There is also a consumer version for the DIY/CJ out in the real world. That version is standard definition. 640x480 in the format. The consumer version is $9.99 for the whole shebang.

All I can say is Android, Android, Android. Er, I mean I support the true spirit of creativity and capitalistic competition.

I am device and OS agnostic. Or hope to be some day.

Other Posts Of Interests 

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  • 1 comment:

    1. Gena, glad you like our app! We're working on an iPhone 4 update with HD recording and output and it should available on the app store soon.

      I personally like the iPhone because of all of the apps available and I really like the experience of the apps and the platform. I'm really interested in Android too and hope that Apple and Google can duke it out to keep pushing the mobile device market forward.

      Let me know if there is anything I can do to help!



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