Monday, January 23, 2012

Tripod Alternatives for Your Videos

It doesn't matter what you are using to record video, there are times when you need to be still. As in motionless. This is going to be harder for table users and those recording on other devices but it can be done.

The old school ways of holding a camera or camcorder without a tripod still apply. I recommend checking out the post at Digital Photography School about how to avoid camera shakes.

Another way is to find a tool or resource that can help you out. This one is so simple it is brilliant. The Not A Pod anchors two cords to belt loops. The tension holds the camera or camcorder steady. And bone cheap too. If I wore pants that had loops I'd be all over this.

Alas, stretch tights only have loops at the feet and those didn't work out so well either.

Another options is the SteadePod which is also a simple device. You screw one end into the camera/camcorder and there is a cord that can be dropped down to your feet. You adjust the tension and bada bing, you have a form of stability. You can find the SteadePod at Adorama, Amazon, B and H Photo and other photography retailers.

The DIY folks want it to be known that this has been around forever in various forms. A screw, washer and a taunt string are apparently all you need. If you have those things around the house more power to you.

If I'm fishing around in my purse I think I'd rather have something like the SteadePod.

So if you don't have a tripod when you need one consider one of these as back up stabilizer.

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