Monday, April 9, 2012

New Media Rights Video Interview

New Media Rights is a non-profit organization that helps bloggers, vloggers, creatives and other folks with the legal aspects of doing their thing.

They have a lot of good resources on their web site. If you need legal assistance for creative issues it is free. This is a video that I recorded at BlogWorld Los Angeles 2012. Here is my brief video with Shaun Spalding.

Camera and Editing Info:

I was using one of my old camcorders as a back-up at the convention. I did not know it at the time but for some reason the camcorder decided to record the video at 13 frames per second.

When I took a look at it the video in one of my other editing programs, the audio was out of sync. I had a lot of video that I tossed into a back up folder and forgot about them.

I was looking for an editing practice video for Vegas Movie Studio HD 11 Diving into the folder of desperation, I selected this file. No syncing or hiccups. No jags on playback.

So the lesson of the day is don't destroy your errors. You might be able to redeem them one day.

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