I'm always on the look out for a good tutorial. There are a lot of tutorials but finding a good one is tough. This is one by Mark Zahn from Social Show and Tell. This is his 26 minute video on getting to know the program.
Yes, 26:06 minutes but there is good stuff here.
Just took a look at his web site. I've read a few of his posts and anybody that goes after slime bucket so-called Internet Marketing Gurus is A-Ok by me. Those of you that have that business itch should mosey on over.
Another site to check out is Movie Studio Zen. This is a place where you can get tips on the software that is specifically about Movie Studio. Derek Moran has put a lot of work into the site and you have to come away with a goodie or two.
Derek also has a YouTube channel where you can check out his tutorial videos.
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Thanks for sharing this video. Great stuff as I just bought the software and really learn faster when I can see it in action.