Sunday, August 12, 2012

A Look At Flickr for Video Web Hosting

Many of you know that you can upload video to Flickr, the photo file sharing site. If you don't, this is a quick look  to help you understand the limitations and the rules of the Flickr road. This is just an option. What you do with the information is up to you. 

Flickr Free and Paid Accounts

Before jumping into the mix you do need to have a Flickr account which may or may not be the same as your Yahoo account.  You can also sign in with your Facebook and Google+ accounts.

Free accounts are limited to 2 video (150MB per video) a month at 90 seconds each and 300MB of video storage per month. Yeah. It is kinda paltry but it is free.

Pro accounts are about $25 a year with unlimited uploads (50MB per photo) and 90 seconds per video.  (300MB per video)

If you haven’t run away just yet I’d like to point out that sometimes limitations can inspire creativity.  Or at least a potential meditation exercise.

What Can You Do with Flickr Videos?

You can upload videos to the Flickr service. You would need to edit before uploading and to ensure that you are in compliance with the file size and SD/HD requirements. You can share with Facebook and Google Plus+ users as well as other social media services.

If you want to. Many users have turned on the option to restrict who see or share their videos. I know. It took a while to find this one.

You have to keep it clean as in wholesome. No boogie oogie oogie with the spouse. No uploading of copyrighted or disputed content.

Flickr File Formats

From the list I’m thinking generic mp4 would be okay but not too sure about the variations. You’ll have to give it a go if you are interested. Then again, you could just prepare the video in the accepted formats.
  • Generic AVI – those of you that cleave to the Dixv might be disappointed.
  • WMV
  • MOV
  • 3gp
  • M2TS
  • OGG
  • OGV

Why Should I Care?

That is a very good question.  The 3gp video format could work well on mobile version of blogging sites.  The thing is, 3gp was designed for older versions of mobile video. It may not look good on a modern blog or web page.

But for a dedicated mobile version of a blog, it could work.

If you know that your visitors have connection issues then yes, this could be an option. I'm not kidding about this. For our video creating brothers and sisters in central and South America bandwidth is a real issues. Some folks are lucky to have 56k dial-up. Other countries mobile connections can be dicey too depending on that data plan.
Who else? Well, if you have a devote Linux person who has a device that can play OGG/OGV then you can make that person very happy. You'd have to test it out to make sure that your Linux pal can access the Flickr site and see the the video but think of it as an adventure.

It is a very limited alternative to YouTube. You can upload Flickr video to Twitter and some of the social services. But if something goes wrong you are going to be the person to figure it out.  Cuz there are a very limited number of people wanting to edit and confirm their videos to Flickr standards.

There are even fewer that use Flickr to post video to Twitter.

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