Sunday, April 7, 2013

HitRECord Looking for User Generated Content

There is creativity and user generated content outside of YouTube. HitRECord is a community of creators using all kinds of media to make videos. This is a community of re-mixers and collaborators.

Actor and now producer Joseph Gordon Levitt is creating a television series for a new channel called Pivot. This is a video by him explaining the project.

In case you can't view the video the site is putting out the call for all kinds of creators to create and re-mix content for a unique kind of video compositions. They want artists, animators, writers, audio and stuff I can't imaging but somebody else might be able to.

HitRECord is also looking for curators, those folks that can help find the gems inside of all that good and silver.

I don't think this is a vanity project. There seems to be a lot of hard work and vision making buy a focused community. In any case, read the How It Works page so that you get a good understanding of the process or check out the site.

Checking out Pivot; it will be a new television channel for the 15 to 34 year old demographic that, according to the mission statement, wants to change the world. There will be long form programing, documentaries and programs like HitRECord.

That channel will debut on August 1, 2013 on cable and broadband.

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