Sunday, March 14, 2021

Demo of Podcast Audiogram with Adobe Spark Video

June 2022 Update:

Adobe Spark is gone. History. It has been replaced with Adobe Creative Cloud Express

The post below is for historical reference. 

This is the full demonstration of how to create a simple audiogram using Adobe Spark Video.

I intentionally limited to creating a very simple podcast audiogram, however Spark Video allows you to add text, captions, music and other design elements. 


The free version gives you access to everything you need but the video will be watermarked.  If you keep it simple and uncomplicated you will do fine. Start loading it up with everything and the kitchen sink, and there will be issues. 

I have to say I've tried using Adobe Spark Video for a number of years. I've had crashes. We've cussed each other out. I think we are now at a point of understanding.

Respect it for what it is. 
It is an opportunity to simplify.
To be creative within the limitations.
To embrace that minimalistic view about Adobe Spark Video will give you peace of mind. 

One issue I should have gone into more detail in the video. If you upload a clip from your podcast using the music upload feature you might have to chop the audio into clips. And there is a chance that Spark Video might believe that you uploaded music and start to repeat your audio at the end of the video.

Nothing a little tweaking in a video editing program can't take care of, but you should be aware of it. 

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