Sunday, March 7, 2021

Adobe Spark Video for Podcast Audiograms

June 2022 Update:

Adobe Spark is gone. History. It has been replaced with Adobe Creative Cloud Express. 

The post below is for historical reference. 

The software/app provides an interesting way to create a simple podcast audiogram. It is a wee bit quirky but it does work. If you respect the limitations.  

Adobe Spark Video is a grand lesson in managing expectations. This isn't Adobe Rush. It dang sure isn't Premier Elements or Premier Pro. It is a niche product that can do limited things very well. 

What You Will Need:

An Adobe Account via:

  • an email log-in
  • an existing subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud
  • a social media account from either Google or Facebook

  • Chrome via browser
  • Mac or Windows on-line via browser or desktop application
  • iPhone or iPad

There is no Spark Video Android app at this time, but you might be able to use the browser version. There is Spark Post for Android that can design and animate graphics.


  • Podcast album art
  • Microphone (Optional)
  • Audio recording - mp3 format

Test of Voice Only Video

Test of Music Version


You can record directly into the app. You can also upload your own music or a mp3 voice audio clip.

Let's talk about that. You can do that and attach it to your slide. It needs to be short, like under 30 seconds. 

The software thinks that you are uploading "music." You might find that the audio clip might repeat again at the end of the recording.

You can do customizations, add stock music, access some free stock photos and image icons.

The free version does almost everything you need to produce a simple podcast audiogram. You will have an Adobe Spark watermark on the video.  To remove the watermark you can purchase a monthly or yearly subscription to have it removed.


Based on my prior experience with the software, I would say that there is a safety limit of about ten seconds of recording per slide. Yes, it does indicate that it can go to 30 seconds. 

I would not trust it. I have had crash and burns when I tried to overload what it could handle.

You could duplicate the slide to gain more talking time. That would work. 

You can upload video. If it is 30 seconds or shorter. Load fifteen minutes if you want to. You will only see or select about 30 seconds of the video. 

Free version contains watermarks on image, a credits page and a non-removal page banner from Adobe. Ethically speaking, these items should remain on the video. For the non-ethically impaired, pay for the App or don't grip about it.

You really should read or be aware of the Community Guidelines and the Adobe Terms of Service

The short version is they own their stuff.  You own your stuff. Don't steal other peoples stuff . If you do stuff that is illegal, hateful or violates the terms of service you are gonna get bounced. Know that your podcast audiogram might not be the kind of content that Adobe would want to associate with their brand or community. 


With a bit of tweaking and elbow grease you could make something interesting. There are easier and slicker apps that can make an audiogram for you. If you can work around the limitation, there is gold in them there hills.

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