I gave a short presentation at BlogHer09 about the resources available to help folks create videos. This will be a series of virtual handouts and additional resources I did not have time to share.
This section will cover resources on basic skills for those folks using the following devices:
- Web Cameras
- Web Camcorders
- Digital Still Cameras with Video Recording
If you plan on recording personal commentary/talking head videos, occasional outside events and recording people in casual settings then your needs are basic. You can produce good video with these recording devices if you understand their strengths and their limitations.

Strengths and Weaknesses
The strengths are ease of use, portability and with the Web Camcorders and upper level Digital Still Cameras improved video quality.
The main limitation is light. You need lots of it. This is true if you are recording indoors with the web cameras, web camcorders or inexpensive digital still cameras.
Another limitation is audio. You might record ambient sounds that you can't remove. Those sounds can spoil a good video. There are ways to compensate for those liabilities.
If you are new to creating web video or videoblogging preparing and uploading your video these are the most helpful and accessible resources:
Make Internet TV
Currents TV
http://current.com/make.htm and http://current.com/make/resources.htm
Yahoo Videoblogging Group
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