Friday, December 11, 2009

Pierre Katar and Telling True Stories with Video

A few weeks ago I attended an on-line webinar at the Poynter Institute's NewsU Virtual Video Workshop. It was a joint effort with the National Press Photographers Foundation. Anyway, one of the presenters was Pierre Katar from The Washington Post.

Let me state that all of the presenters did an excellent job. I'm still learning from the experience. But Pierre, for me, knocked me upside my head and said "Get busy, there is work to do."

Well, a couple of cyber-birdies told me that Pierre has two short videos on how to tell stories with video. School is in session.

This is the first video on the three things you need.

This is the second video where Pierre talks about his process.

If you want more stuff or to download materials and handouts slide on over to the International Journalists' Network aka

You certainly will want to browse the e-learning resources because I have found goodies, i.e. a link to an online audio editing program. I'll prep that later for a future post.

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