Monday, April 12, 2010

Notes on Day 2 - Videoblogging Week 2010

Just a few quickies that I hope will be interesting. Today's video was a hoot because it was an interaction with security. It will be up this afternoon on the Stoop. These are just some quick thoughts.

One is knowing the difference between public and private property. I do know the difference. The security guard at the structure that I was recording did not.

If I am standing on a public street and I aim the camcorder at a building I am good to go, no question or debate. If I am recording on private property it becomes an issue. Generally you have to get permission.

The second is the difference between copyright, private property, architects and property owners.

Afternoon Update: Here is the video:

What else? Starting a project with a new camcorder and testing a new editing program is not recommended. Fighting the battle of the bars and pillars.

The Canon FS200 is standard definition camcorder but the specs indicate 16:9 ratio. One editing program says I'm in 4:3 and the other is 16:9 and when I look at it I can't tell if it is squished or not.

Do not buy a camera on impulse. This is more a reflection of my eyes and I haven't had time to look at the manual or set-up. I went to the Canon web site and it says both.

You can shoot wide screen without high definition; it depends on the camcorder. If you take the freaking time to check.

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