Saturday, October 9, 2010

National Geographic Photo and Video Tips

This is a unexpected find. I was looking at an article about National Geographic tips on high dynamic range photography. I notice on the page that there was a whole section of the site devoted to photography tips, some of them in video format.

This is a video by John Burcham on how to find support when shooting with a DSLR camera.

This is another video on using your camera/camcorder on capturing movement:

The videos are short but there is good tips packed in the videos. You may or may not see advertisements.

There is a lot of content on this portion of the National Geographic site. You can view videos on the story behind an image, special types of photography and even music videos.

Yeah, I know. National Geographic music videos? They are a heck of a lot more inclusive than MTV or VH1. Music from Africa, the Americas, Bollywood, Arabic Pop and more.

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