Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Podcast Audiograms - An Introduction

Folks are looking for various ways to promote their content. Or increase awareness. 

One way to do that is by using a software program to create an audio single slide movie. 

Commonly known as a podcast audiogram. Not to be confused with the hearing diagnostic evaluation also called audiogram. Other names for it are Soundbites, Audio Clips, Audio Visualizations and Trailers.

One more thing. There are music visualizations apps for musicians to upload music with a synchronized visualization. Some of those apps and software have overlapping similarities with podcasting audiogram creation apps. There is so much stuff out there. 

The music visualizations are used by DJs and musicians to post their work to the public or draw them to websites. I could also see this working for poets as well.

Where was I? Oh yeah. 

On the basic level, it is the joining of an audio sound file and a photo mashed together to make a video. Once you have the video, you can post it on social media sites.

Podcast audiograms can be used:

  • an introduction to a new podcast.
  • as a teaser clip of an episode.
  • as a full episode of a podcast, depending on length.
  • promotion tools and more.

Creating Podcast Audiograms

It is as easy or a hard as you want or need the process to be. Not being cryptic. 

If you are a desktop user, you have everything you need. However it isn't necessarily easy.

For example, if you have a slide presentation program like Keynote or PowerPoint, you can make an audiogram. But you need experience with the software, understanding audio, image and video formats for your social media services and put the whole thing together. Not for newbies.

Or you have video editing software, create an image track, an audio track, import your assets and export to .mp4 video. You still have to make sure it conforms to various social media requirements.

Smartphone apps can make the process easier to make but you might lose some choices and options. If you want more options, you have to pay for them.

There are on-line services like Headliner, Invideo and Wavve that really make the process easy. And if your audio hosting service has an affiliation with one of the above services it is twice as easy.

How Much Is This Going to Cost?

Depends. Anywhere from free to $150 or more a year. 

Freemium kind of deals - you get all the services however a logo could be watermarked into the video, you get a lower resolution or some other kind of limitation.

Many of the services offer a subscription plan with added features, social media formats and sometimes storage.

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