October 2021 Update: Toot the horn folks - Jumprope is no more. Kicked the bucket a few months ago. I really like the focus on making it super easy to create a tutorial. Ah well, they come and they go.
Historical Page of the Deceased App
There are some of us that honestly just like to share what we know. But there is a gowning media market regarding selling via education type products. Nothing wrong with that. People have been doing it for centuries.
The tech has changed but the desire to share what we know is in our blood. One of the companies that make it easy to create education products is called Jumprope. Users can create educational guides that can be shared on social media or on a blog or website.
The How-To guides can be:
- Photos with captions
- Photos with audio
- Photos and video
- Video with captions
How it Works
This is an example video from the company explaining how to create a guide.
What You Will Need
For creating a Jumprope guide, mobile users will need to download the app via Apple App Store or Google Play.
Android phones and tablets running Android 6.0 or higher.
Apple phones and tablets running iOS 11.0 or higher.
Desktop Browsers: you can view Jumprope guides via any browser but you cannot create them.
What Can You Do With a Jumprope Guide:
- Quickly create how guides and videos.
- Use it to demonstrate skills and expertise.
- Use it as a means to generate income with affiliate links to the products used in the guide.
- Repurpose prior content.
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