February 02, 2022 Update:
I do have a correction; Adobe Spark is gone. History. As in it has gone to the vapor land of software.
Things are a little goofy at the moment. What was publicly visible for a person to test out is now in the menu. You might have to click more to get to the tools.
Adobe Creative Cloud Express
The product formerly known as Adobe Spark has a new name and some new features. I found out about it via Twitter. Not from a corporate account, but via a friend's post. Been a long while since I was on the site.
I've messed around with Adobe Spark Video. I had to learn to work within the constrictions. And once you did it was...ok.
But then, as it happens the new stuff makes you forget about the old stuff. Because the new stuff is a whole lot easier to us.
And a serious reduction of constrictions. Even for free.
For the record, I don't have a problem paying for software. I do it. But I have to be able to get something out of it and not have to go to another program to finish it up. Like I did with Spark Video.
But this is a new day and a new user experience.
For your account and if you have an iPhone or Android device you now have access to:
- Premier Rush
- Photoshop Express
Those of us that are desktop users can have access to Premier Rush.
You will have access to some but not all of the features of these programs. If you want full access it will cost you $10 a month. I tried Rush once but I don't remember it much. This might be a good opportunity to give it a second chance.
This is just a head's up.
Maybe during the holiday down time I can take a look at it and see if it is worth diving into.
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