Monday, August 3, 2009

Daily Motion - International Video Web Host and Distribution

Daily Motion is popular outside of the U.S. for uploading videos and distributing but there are some Yanks that use is as their primary video upload spot. I viewed the U.S. version of the site.

It has user generated videos in addition to picking up feeds from websites and content providers like

There is an under spoken reality about the surviving 2009 video web hosts. It cost a lot of money to offer free video web hosting and distribution of videos. Many of the free distribution sites are accepting corporate, broadcast and other types of content or pay for play advertorials.

English language version of Daily Motion

That means that user generated videos are being pushed into the corners or it might be harder to find. You still can locate them at Daily Motion but you might not want to have your video placed next to Horndog Production's, Bath Time. No disrespect intended.

If you are posting the video to your blog it might not matter. If you are sending folks to Daily Motion directly to view the video or they come via a search engine then yes can be a concern.

This is an international website with the home base in Paris, France. Some of videos are not as puritanical as what floats by on American based distribution sites.

Keep that in mind as you check Daily Motion out. Let me put it another way. Really look at the thumbnails photos and read the descriptions before you click that link.

You will see advertisements or experience a pop-up ad or two. It is a web host option. It may or may not meet your needs.

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