Sunday, August 11, 2013

Make Time to Read Activist's Guide to Archiving Video

The Activist’s Guide to Archiving Video is written for people who are using video to document the shady goings on around the planet. Trouble is not just found across the globe; you might see mischief in your own back yard, social event or at a public gathering.

If you have recorded an event or experience that needs to stand up in a court of law you will need to do certain things to maintain the integrity of the video.

I implore you to make it easy on yourself. You never know if you have to pull a video out of a hard drive five years from now.

Which is a dang good reading to start reading the guide. There is another reason.

A lot of video and pictorial content being created. There are millions of uploaded hours of videos. I submit that there are not too many people are thinking about archiving, storage and future retrieval.

What will happen to your stuff when your web host changes their business focus? Or loses money and funding? Or wants to cash out and the new owners want a 24 hour game video channel with no cats allowed?

Are you really just banking on cloud storage services to keep you from singing the “I lost my stuff” blues?

Tsk, Tsk.

You really need a good storage and retrieval workflow. So check out the guide even if video advocacy videos is not what you want to do. The information on the site can help you to keep you and your videos a bit more secure than trusting a web host.

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