Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Keek MicroVideo Service

It has been a while since the passing of The Microvideo services are popping out of incubation to be the next companion to Twitter and Facebook. Keek is one of those services.

Keek is a web service that allow you to record a 36 second video using your webcam, Android, iPhone or other mobile recoding devices.

Videos can be posted from those devices directly to LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook or to a blog. You can post as many videos as you want.  Those on limited data plans you might want to monitor your usage.

This could be an option for:
  • Checking in at an event
  • Videoblogging
  • Citizen Journalism
Keek is also a social network where you get to share and comment to friends videos. The service is currently free, however it is still in Beta so expect improvements, changes and features.

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