Friday, July 6, 2012

Quick Look At Microsoft Sky Drive for Video Storage

Microsoft SkyDrive has its own online storage service. Not only can you store in the cloud you can share links with friends or clients.. You might consider using the service as a way to maintain control over your photos and videos.

The service is available to both Mac and Windows users. You can sync your devices to what you have stored in the cloud and you can view your cloud content on your mobile devices.

This is a commercial about SkyDrive:

The free version of SkyDrive allows you to store 7 GB in the cloud. For documents, music and photos that is more than enough.

I've been scanning the Microsoft information page. No question you can store and share photos. You can store and share slide show presentations.  At this time, I can't confirm that you could view stored videos from the site or if there is a web address you could access.

I'm still looking to confirm and will update when I find it.

Other Considerations

For video? Well, you literally have to do the math. If you are regularly uploading 300 MB to 500MB worth of video to your current web host you will max out the free account in no time. You can purchase more space, up to 100 GB.

I could see if you are giving a presentation and you uploaded a video as a back-up source. Then there are the data usage issues when you are on a mobile device that on contract.

Too hip, gotta go. Will dive in further but it is an option to consider.

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