Friday, August 14, 2009

David S. Kessler - Shadow Wolrld

I am a big fan of David S. Kessler's work. It is more like a video sculpture of a way of life that seems to be dying but in fact it isn't disappearing anytime soon.

The constant actor is the Market-Frankfort El that cuts through the city and the lives of the people living in a hard up section of Philadelphia.

Shadow World - episode 5 - world champion from David S Kessler on Vimeo.

He has had various websites and blogs; the current one that seem to be active is Shadow World. I don't know how David identifies himself now days. To me he is just great artist that I learn ten things from his videos and come back and learn ten more.

Shadow World - episode 1 - resumes from David S Kessler on Vimeo.
He is certainly a filmmaker. Artist. Ethnographer. Be sure to visit his video archives.

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