Friday, March 8, 2013

Still Time for DoGooder Video Awards Entries

Video can do a lot of good. When we take are attention from cat videos for just a moment there is a lot of interesting work in the non-profit and advocacy realm. If you have a video that you created to highlight a problem or propose a solution you might want to submit it to the DoGooder Video Awards.

This is a promotional video from the project page:

According to YouTube, you can be either an individual or a non-profit that can submit videos. You can get most of the details from the YouTube project web site.

This contest is only available to participants in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and the U.S.

I want to call attention to this because on of the sponsors is See3 Communications. They make advocacy videos for a variety of people. I beg of you to read the contest rules before submitting your video.

The DoGooder Award FAQ page that might be of interest to those that want to make sure the video is seen in its best possible light.

As always read the terms of service and contest rules. The deadline for entries is March 22, 2013.

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