Friday, April 26, 2013

The Gypsy Nesters How To Roller Derby Video

Slowly getting back up to speed. That last cold/flu thing was an energy eating all consuming bacteriological nightmare. I'm telling you, eat your veggies, wash your hands and above all else stock up on the chicken or veggie soup. And the Sci-Fi movie DVDs.

There are all types of videos in the world; some of them narrative, some of them expiratory about the people and places they encounter. There is a (hopefully) growing group of middle-age boomer and senior vloggers on the horizon.

The Gypsy Nesters are on the road and exploring their world. This is a video that Veronica did on the Killamazoo Derby Darlins. The Gypsy Nesters have their own YouTube Channel that is filled with their continuing adventures.

I found this video at the WHOA! Network. This is a new community that wants to make sure that women of a certain age remain visible. As part of that network there are video partnerships with other creators who aim to do just that.

The take away for the day is that there are all kinds of videos being made. Don't get locked into thinking it has been done before or that no one will be interested. Pick up the camera/recording device and go for it.

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1 comment:

  1. Thaks for posting the video. I had a blast doing it, but was sore for a week!


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