Sunday, June 23, 2013

In This Corner, Cinemagram

I just want to take a moment to mention Cinemagram. This app might get lost in the micro video short attention span theater but I would be remiss if I do not mention the software.

You get four seconds to create a video. Yes, four seconds. This does not mean that you can't create anything. You just have to work harder. Get those creativity juices flowing. Punch in a filter or two more than normal.

I will tell you that I tried to post a Cine on this blog. It did not work. There was a ribbon of video but not the full container for the video. I tried for 20 minutes to figure out why the embedded video did not completely appear.

Time is up. Moving on.

Some people would say that Cinemagram is closer to an animated gif than true video. I say what does it matter. You can save the video as an .mp4 file. String enough of those video together and you will have a body of work.

Cinemagram is available in the Apple iTunes Store or the Google Play store.

Psst, Android folks,

There may be issues depending on your specific device. I would read the reviews before installing on your phone, tablet or media player. 

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