Friday, July 19, 2013

A Look at MotionPoems

Poetry is usually a solo effort. You grab a corner and you pound out some pentameter. In creating video poems you can do it yourself but for poets without video or filming skills you might need a collaborator.

This is a video about how a man met a woman and soon after MotionPoems is created.

This is an example of a collaborative effort by Todd Boss and Angella Kassube and the result is a new way of expressing poetry. Using motion graphic software like After Effects and graphic arts skills you can get works like the one from Thomas Lux

There is much more at the site and if you could toss them some cash to continue to do good work  that would be a way of paying it forward.

So, what does this mean for folks that want to incorporate animated text into their videos but do not have the money for Adobe After Effects?

I have some basic ideas that could simulate animated text.
That is for the next posts.

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