Friday, October 22, 2010

Matt Rodgers Kinetic Typography Video

You have words. You have sound. Why not animate the words to the sound of someone speaking?

That is exactly what Matt Rodgers did with a bit of narration from actor and author Stephen Fry.

I have see other folks do similar things with text, most recently CeLo Green's original text video of that song that starts with F and ends in U. I like the use of text animation. Not to thrilled with the words of CeLo's song. (NSFW)

There are so many ways to do this and you don't have to go high tech:

  • Paper animation
  • Animation feature in PowerPoint then converted to video
  • Flash Animation with or without Adobe Flash. There are a number of similar animation programs like Swish Max or Swish Lite which is free and much easier to use
  • Draw/Paint programs with video export or screen capture.
I'm hoping that the text poets and word sculptures will catch on to this and amp it up even more.

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