Monday, October 21, 2013

Quinn Poster on Getting Video Right

Still slogging through life, academia and blogging. Today's inspiration comes from the Poynter Institute. A place where old journos pontificate and newbies discombobulate the status quo.

Portion of Tips Poster at Poynter

Those of us in the middle seem act as the bridge or conduit. We hope that both sides will take the time to listen and observe what works and what doesn't.  Sara Dickensen Quinn has a poster with the essentials for shooting videos.

Doesn't matter if you record with a smartphone or a tricked up DSLR. There are fundamentals that we all can learn from. You don't have to be a journalists to apply the tips suggested. Might be better if you weren't.

Tell the story with video and your words. Tell the truth or a close to it as you can get.

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