Monday, September 14, 2009

Audio Podcasting Tips from

Why talk about audio podcasting on a web video blog? There are a lot of similar concepts. Sometimes it is good idea to look at what came before, which was audio podcasting, to understand what you need to do with web video and videoblogs.

Bwana of usually talks about games, social media and technology. He also recorded a good 15 minute summary of what you need to get started doing audio podcasting.

Bwana has a engaging personality and he knows his stuff. You do have to make a commitment to do this even if it is posting once a month or every day. You get to set the terms of production but you gotta produce.

When you are starting out it doesn't take much but it does take effort. Anyway, this is a good introduction to podcasting and Bwana will give you the straight skivvy.

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