Sunday, August 4, 2013

Reflections on My Create Video Notebook Anniversary

In August of 2009 I started this blog. My goal was to making it easier to understand how to create web video. I wanted to share how to find the resources that a newbie or intermediate user would want to know.

It is now August of 2013. Wow. That is a lot of posts; 900+ or so. I hope that a few of them have been useful or inspirational to folks. I know which posts are popular cuz I glance at the stats every once in a while.

I never wanted CNVB to just be a how-to video blog. I want to help people understand that there are connections and relationships to other disciplines and creators. There is more than one way to create a video.

Video folks should know what audio podcasters are doing and using to create their content. Professional journalists are now using consumer level tools to submit stories. Smartphones and tablets have to be considered when talking about recording devices. What are the best ways of doing that? How can a technique be shared among the various video creation communities?

But most of all, let's not forget about fun, creativity and the inspiration of a good video that rocks your world.

This is a time of re-invention. I'd like to take one more crack at making a useful resource for web video creation tips.  I still think connecting to various types of creation tools is important.  And being aware of the pathfinders on the road makes it easier to follow or respect their footsteps.

I maintain that the more you know about a process or technique the better your video can be; whether it is a birthday video, a public service announcement. video activism or just adding a video to your text blog every once in a while.

But it isn't about the gear, the software or the hours you spent creating it. It is about what you are trying to share with other people.

So the beat goes on.

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