Wednesday, September 25, 2013

My Test Video of Panasonic DMC-XS1

I confess, I was in a vulnerable state. I didn't intend to buy the Panasonic DMC-XS1. But it was a long day. I felt a longing. Somehow I found myself in the camera store; reminiscing about D-76. Peeping at the DSLRs that I will never own. Sigh.

The store clerk asked "May I help you?"

Next thing I knew I was walking out the door with that new camera in the hand feeling.  When I got home and opened the box I was really surprised how small the camera was in my hand.

This is a test video from the camera. No filters were used. No macro mode to speak of. I have to say my expectations were guarded. Still have painful memories of that Fuji camera from long ago.

I read some of the reviews of other users. Some folks were not happy with the performance.

That might have been due to the type of memory card used;  a Class 2 card ain't gonna cut it. It should be functional at Class 4 but I would expect recording delays. I had no problems starting and stopping with the Class 10 card.

It isn't perfect. I haven't found a comfortable way to securely hold on to the camera. You want to put that strap on it. It won't take much effort for the camera to slip out of your hands.

Even with the limited time that I had to squeezed out of the day, I'm pleased that my effort to record moving people and objects was a good investment.

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